PeacePoker Interview, Sasahara Riku


Hello Sasahara Riku-san, First of all, congratulations on your 6th place finish and in-the-money (ITM) achievement at the Main Event of APPT Manila. This marks your first participation in an overseas tournament and your inaugural ITM record on The Hendonmob. Once again, congratulations on this record-breaking accomplishment.I understand that you are a student at the University of Tokyo, though I have limited information. Could you provide a brief self-introduction including your field of study?

I am currently a 22-year-old fourth-year student at the University of Tokyo’s Faculty of Economics. I am planning to take a leave of absence starting from this summer. I have been playing poker for about a year.Could you share the inspiration behind starting your poker journey and where you primarily engage in tournaments?

I started playing poker with the belief that my strong skills in board games could potentially help me earn money. However, I quickly realized that it is not an easy game to win in, so I started studying using software and other resources, and began playing poker seriously. I often visit a shop called Agrabar in Ueno for live poker and participate in house tournaments. There are also diligent learners there, and live tournaments have been a great learning experience for me. While I don’t participate in many major tournaments in Japan, I recently took part in JOPT and managed to cash in the Poker Players Championship event.If there was a specific reason behind your decision to participate in APPT Manila, we’d love to hear about it.

I have a desire to play cash games overseas, and since I had upcoming plans for the university summer break and the opportunity to participate in tournaments, I decided to go to Manila. Another reason for this decision is that a senior who often plays poker together will also be participating.Following this tournament, do you have plans to participate in various other international tournaments? If you have personal goals within the realm of poker tournaments, please share them.

In the near future, I am considering participating in a WPT event in Las Vegas in December. I would also like to join the WSOP main event at some point. Additionally, I hope to eventually win a trophy in one of the tournaments.

Thank you very much for your valuable time. PEACEPOKER looks forward to delivering more exciting news and supporting you, Sasahara Riku-san. Thank you for the interview.

Editor-in-chief, Joseph Shin


Sasahara Rikuさん、こんにちは。 まずは今回のAPPT ManilaのMain Eventで6位でITMを獲得されたこと、おめでとうございます。今回のAPPT ManilaがSasahara Riku選手にとって初の海外大会進出であり、The Hendonmobに記録される初のITMだと思います。改めて記録更新おめでとうございます。①知っている情報が少ないのですが、東京大学に在籍している学生さんだとお聞きしてます。専攻分野などを含め、簡単な自己紹介をしていただけますか?


ライブポーカーではよく上野にあるAgrabarという店舗に行き、ハウストーナメントに参加しています。勉強熱心な方もいてライブトーナメントのいい勉強になりました。日本の大きな大会に出ることはあまりないのですが、先日のJOPTにも参加しPoker Players Championshipでインマネすることが出来ました。③今回のAPPT Manilaに参加しようと思ったきっかけがあれば教えてください。


直近では 12月にラスベガスであるwptに参加したいと考えています。トーナメントではWSOP mainに参加してみたいです。また、いずれかのトーナメントでトロフィーを獲得することが出来たらと思っています。

PEACEPOKERはこれからも素敵なニュースをお届けし、Sasahara Rikuさんを応援していきます。インタビューありがとうございました。

編集長 Joseph Shin