[7/14 UPDATE]PEACE POKER X 2023 World Series Of Poker NEWS


The World Series of Poker is entering its 44th day, and players from Japan and Korea are performing well, with some achieving career highs.

Event #76: $10,000 WSOP Main Event World Championship
Date: July 3, 2023 – Ongoing
Buy-in: $10,000
Entries: 15/10,043
Prize Pool: $93,399,900

Day 7 of the 2023 WSOP Main Event has concluded, with 15 players advance to Day 8. In the largest Main Event in history, who will become the bracelet winner?

Japanese poker blogger Masato Yokosawa, who made it to Day 7, finished in 45th place, earning a career-high prize of $188,400.

Daniel Vampan raised to 550,000 in middle position and Masato Yokosawa three-bet to 1,700,000 in the hijack. Vampan four-bet jammed all in and Yokosawa quickly called off his stack of 5,100,000.

Masato Yokosawa: A♥K♠
Daniel Vampan: A♠Q♥

Yokosawa was in a dominating position but the flop of Q♠J♥3♠ gave Vampan the lead with a pair of queens. The 2♥ on the turn changed nothing and the 2♦ on the river spelled the end to Yokosawa‘s run in the Main Event.


Event #81: $600 Ultra Stack
Date: July 11, 2023 – Ongoing
Buy-in: $600
Entries: 9/7,207
Prize Pool: $3,675,570

Day 2 of $600 Ultra Stack has concluded, and 9 players have advanced to Day 3, made it to the final table. Min Sung Lee from Korea has secured the third-largest chip stack and earned $37,910, which is likely to be a new career-high for him.

Among the 15 Korean and Japanese players who entered Day 2, all of them finished ITM and concluded the tournament.

Min Sung Lee


Event #84: $50,000 High Roller
Date: July 12, 2023 – Ongoing
Buy-in: $50,000
Entries: 5/176
Prize Pool: $8,404,000

Day 2 of the $50,000 High Roller Event has concluded, and unfortunately, both Dong Hyun Kim from Korea and Masashi Oya from Japan, who made it to Day 2, were unable to finish in the money and were eliminated from the tournament.


Event #85: $1,500 Shootout
Date: July 13, 2023 – Ongoing
But-in: $1,500
Entries: 100/987
Prize Pool: $1,317,645

Day 1 of the $1,500 Shootout Event has concluded. Ryutaro Suzuki, Nozomu Shimizu from Japan, and Jinho Hong from Korea have advanced to Day 2, each securing a prize of $5,759. In the Shootout tournament format, where only one player survives at each table of 9 players, the Day 2 qualifiers will start with similar chip stacks.


Event #86: $1,979 Poker Hall of Fame Bounty
Date: July 13, 2023 – Ongoing
Buy-in: $1,979
Entries: 150/1,417
Prize Pool: $2,495,776

Day 1 of the $1,979 Poker Hall of Fame Bounty Event has concluded, and a total of 5 players from Japan and Korea have advanced to Day 2. Among them, Jun Obara from Japan holds the highest chip stack with 382,000 chips. The current average chip stack is 283,400 chips.

Furthermore, 5 players were eliminated during Day 1 but managed to finish in the money.


Event #87: $2,500 Mixed Omaha/Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better
Date: July 13, 2023 – Ongoing
Buy-in: $2,500
Entries: 247/460
Prize Pool: $1,023,500

Day 1 of the $2,500 Mixed Omaha/Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better Event has come to a close. Six players, including Japan’s Omaha bracelet winner Naoya Kihara, have survived and advanced to Day 2. The current average chip stack is 65,182 chips, and the first-place prize is $221,733. Players will be able to finish in the money from the 69th place onwards.



イベント#76: $10,000 WSOPメインイベントワールドチャンピオンシップ
日程:2023年7月3日 – 継続中

2023 WSOPメインイベントのDay7が終了しました。15名のプレイヤーがDay8に進出します。過去最大の規模で行われるメインイベントで、一体誰がブレスレットの主役になるのでしょうか?

Day7に進出していた日本のポーカーブロガー、Masato Yokosawaは45位でイベントを終え、$188,400の賞金を獲得し、キャリアハイを更新しました。

イベント#81: $600 Ultra Stack
日程:2023年7月11日 – 継続中

イベント#81: $600 Ultra StackのDay2が終了しました。9名のプレイヤーがDay3に進出し、ファイナルテーブルが確定しました。韓国のMin Sung Lee選手が3位のチップスタックで進出し、$37,910を確保しました。この試合終了後、Min Sung Lee選手のキャリアハイが更新されることが期待されます。


イベント#84: $50,000 High Roller
日程:2023年7月12日 – 継続中

$50,000 High RollerイベントのDay2が終了しました。韓国のDong Hyun Kim選手と日本のMasashi Oya選手がDay2に進出しましたが、残念ながらインザマネーには入れず、敗退しました。

イベント#85: $1,500 Shootout
日程:2023年7月13日 – 継続中

$1,500 ShootoutイベントのDay1が終了しました。日本のRyutaro Suzuki、Nozomu Shimizu選手、韓国のJinho Hong選手がDay2に進出し、それぞれ$5,759の賞金を獲得しました。Shootoutトーナメントは9人のプレイヤーが1つのテーブルに座り、最後の1人が残るまで進行する形式であり、Day2進出者はスタックがほぼ同じ状態でスタートします。

イベント#86: $1,979 Poker Hall of Fame Bounty
日程:2023年7月13日 – 継続中

$1,979 Poker Hall of Fame BountyイベントのDay1が終了しました。日本と韓国から合計5名のプレイヤーがDay2に進出し、その中で日本のJun Obara選手が382,000チップで最も多くのチップを保有しています。現在の平均チップスタックは283,400チップです。


イベント#87: $2,500 Mixed Omaha/Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or Better
日程:2023年7月13日 – 継続中

$2,500 Mixed Omaha/Seven Card Stud Hi-Lo 8 or BetterイベントのDay1が終了しました。日本のOmahaブレスレットウィナー、Naoya Kiharaを含む6名のプレイヤーがDay2に進出しました。現在の平均チップスタックは65,182チップで、優勝賞金は$221,733です。69位からインザマネーとなります。